MAPLE Spring Networking Event
Please join us for an in-person networking reception with date, time and location to be confirmed.
So that you don’t miss out on an invitation, please join our mailing list.
MAPLE Notable Conversations - Canada and the USA: Tariffs, Borders, and the President's Executive Powers
Join us as MAPLE Business Council welcomes a distinguished panel to discuss critical elements of our bilateral relationship.
Raymond Chrétien is a seasoned diplomat and former Ambassador of Canada to the United States, France, Belgium, Mexico, and the Congo. Today, he is a partner and strategic advisor at Fasken.
Laura Dawson is the Executive Director of the Future Borders Coalition. She has served as Director of the Canada Institute at the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C., and as Senior Economic Advisor at the U.S. Embassy in Canada.
James Villeneuve served as Canada’s Consul General in Los Angeles from 2014-2018, covering Southern California, Arizona, and Nevada. Prior to this post, James was the Global Vice President of Government and Public Affairs for AB InBev.
We hope you will join us for the first in our MAPLE Notable Conversations - a distinguished speaker series hosted by MAPLE Business Council.
MAPLE Receptions Fall-Winter 2024 | We'll See You in 2025!
We’ve just wrapped up our 2024 Fall-Winter Reception Series which took us from Los Angeles to Denver, New York, Orange County and Vancouver. Thanks to everyone who joined us in-person and online and to all our wonderful speakers: AtmanCo from Montréal; Investissement Québec in Los Angeles, the Honourable Derek Burney, former Canadian Ambassador to the United States at our Denver program, Québec-based Ecosystem, Delegate General of Québec in New York, David Brulotte, Brookfield Properties in New York, the Toronto Stock Exchange, Riverside County Office of Economic Development and the Business Development Bank of Canada. Now that’s a line-up of speakers!
MAPLE British Columbia Hybrid Winter Reception - December 17
MAPLE Business Council events bring together members, partners and guests for cross-sector networking and insightful presentations and talks from executives and government leaders as we promote Canada-U.S. economic ties through trade, investment and innovation collaborations.
We are grateful to our friends and fellow member, the Business Development Bank of Canada, for hosting us at their beautiful downtown Vancouver office for our final event of 2024. We are honoured to welcome Mathieu Céré, Senior Vice President of BDC in British Columbia and the North, as our featured presenter who will provide an economic update including perspectives on the implications of the U.S. election results for Canadian entrepreneurs.
Our program will also feature remarks by Jason Tse, MAPLE BC Executive Director; Stephen Armstrong, co-founder and President of MAPLE who will be joining us remotely; and incoming MAPLE President, Kim Walker who will be with us in Vancouver to meet members and guests.
MAPLE Southern California Hybrid Winter Reception - December 10
Join members, partners and guests in Irvine at the Knobbe Martens conference center for our winter reception. Our morning reception will start with cross-sector networking before our update on MAPLE and presentations from our featured member organizations. We are looking forward to sharing an update on the markets from the perspective of Delilah Panio, VP Capital Formation West at the Toronto Stock Exchange who will profile the Toronto Exchange’s unique two-tier structure together with the TSX Venture Exchange. We are delighted to welcome Kimberly Wright, Economic Development Manager at the Riverside County Office of Economic Development to provide us with an update on this dynamic and growing part of our Southern California region.
MAPLE New York Fall Reception - November 20
We are looking forward to welcoming members, partners and guests to our MAPLE New York Fall Reception. We are honoured to be collaborating with the Québec Government Office in New York led by Delegate General David Brulotte for a special program on green construction.
After cross-sector networking and welcome remarks from the Québec Government, John Costanzo, Executive Director of MAPLE New York, will provide an update on MAPLE Business Council before introducing our special guest speakers. Joining us at the MAPLE podium will be Etienne Frenette, Vice President Business Development at Quebec City-based integrated engineering and construction company, Ecosystem and Michael Daschle, Senior Vice President, Sustainability at Brookfield Properties in New York.
MAPLE Colorado Fall Reception - November 13
MAPLE Colorado programs celebrate and explore the significant economic ties that Colorado and Canada share together. For our fall reception, we have something very special for you. We are honoured to welcome back former Canadian Ambassador to the United States, the Honourable Derek Burney Sr for a fireside chat with MAPLE Colorado Executive Director Rob Mancey about post-election implications for Canada-U.S. trade and economic ties.
MAPLE Southern California Hybrid Fall Reception - Sept. 19
We are looking forward to welcoming members, partners and guests to our first event of the Fall - our Southern California Hybrid Fall Reception. This is an opportunity to network with fellow executives across sectors before we hear from our featured speakers. And we will update you on MAPLE® Business Council - sharing news on our new members as well as the latest content and insights from our members and partners since our mid-June program.
We are delighted to welcome our newest member organization, Montréal-based HR talent software firm, AtmanCo and their CEO, Marie-Christine Drolet, to the MAPLE podium. AtmanCo has a growing presence across the U.S. with a focus on Southern California. Read more about AtmanCo on our News page here.
In celebration of the rich and robust economic ties between Québec and Southern California, we are also honoured to welcome Jean-Pascal (JP) Saucier, Director of Foreign Direct Investment at Investissement Quebec in Los Angeles as a featured presenter. JP will be highlighting what’s new and notable in the Québec market for the benefit of Southern California businesses seeking market opportunities In Québec.
MAPLE Fall Event Series 2024
Our Spring Event Series was something special. 5 cities, 3 states, 2 provinces, 2 nations, 37 speakers. Topics ranged from business and market profiles by Purolator, San Bernardino County, (America’s largest county by geography), and Ontario, Canada, to market profiles on carbon capture and storage comparing Canada and Colorado, leveraging Canada in North American talent strategies, and scaling your business effectively from Canada to the United States. We were honoured to partner with some of the best of the best to welcome guests to RSM audit, tax and consulting, Brownstein Hyatt Farber and Schreck, Cassels Brock & Blackwell, Dorsey & Whitney, and Microsoft. Proud to partner with the U.S. Commercial Service, the U.S. Consulate Generals in Vancouver and Toronto, the Consulate General of Canada in Denver, the Province of Alberta, and many more.
We are making plans for our Fall Event Series. Watch this space for more details of upcoming events across our Chapter network.
MAPLE Southern California Hybrid Summer Reception - June 18
At this event we will be celebrating innovation and creativity in Southern California with two special organizations. Joining us from Pasadena will be Eric Eide, Managing Director of our partner organization, The Alliance for Southern California Innovation, for perspectives on the innovation landscape in the region and an update on the important innovation community-building work of the Alliance. We are also excited to welcome from San Diego, member organization and branding agency, Do Not Disturb. Founded by Montréal expats, Sophie Masson and Daniel Andreani, Do Not Disturb helps their clients connect with their audiences through innovative and engaging creative messaging.
MAPLE New York Hybrid Spring Reception - May 23
Together with MAPLE New York Executive Director John Costanzo, we are looking forward to welcoming members, partners and guests to our MAPLE New York Hybrid Spring Reception. Our thanks to our friends at Dorsey & Whitney LLP and Partner Sarah Robertson for hosting our next New York program in the heart of Manhattan and online for our Canada-U.S. community to participate too.
Our Spring Event will focus on the significant economic ties that New York and the Province of Ontario, Canada share together. With this in mind, we are honored to welcome Aaron Pinto, Consul and Senior Economic Officer at Ontario International - New York Trade & Investment Office as a featured speaker.
We are also delighted to welcome Marc Pavlopoulos, founder and CEO of New York and Toronto-based PEO and Employer of Record, Syndesus, as a featured speaker.
MAPLE British Columbia Spring Reception - April 9
Over the years, our MAPLE BC SelectUSA British Columbia Conference in collaboration with the US Commercial Service and the US Consulate General in Vancouver has quickly become one of the marquee events on our event calendar. We are honoured to bring you our 2024 program focused on scaling your business to the US successfully and are excited to welcome everyone back to the office of Microsoft Canada in downtown Vancouver who graciously hosted our event last year.
MAPLE Ontario Spring Reception - March 20
We are excited to welcome you to the downtown Toronto office of MAPLE member and leading Canadian law firm, Cassels Brock and Blackwell LLP for a special extended program focused on scaling your business successfully to the United States. We are honoured to be collaborating with the U.S. Commercial Service in Canada and the U.S. Consulate General in Toronto to present a series of talks exploring some of the key considerations when scaling your business in the US. Speakers will be addressing legal considerations, cross-border tax, e-visas and immigration, benefits strategy, talent management, site selection services and more.
MAPLE Colorado Hybrid Spring Reception - March 7
MAPLE programs celebrate and explore the significant economic ties that Colorado and Canada share together. For our spring event, we are going to explore the topic of carbon capture, storage and utilization (CCS/CCUS) with perspectives on the renewable energy sector in Colorado and in Canada. We are honoured to welcome the following distinguished guests to the podium.: Julie Murphy - Director of the Energy and Carbon Management Commission for Colorado, Dawn Lima - Vice President Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies, Foss & Company and Breanne O’Reilly, Director Strategic Partnerships, International CCS Knowledge Centre.
MAPLE Southern California Virtual Spring Reception - Feb 21
We look forward to welcoming members, partners and guests to our first Southern California Chapter event of 2024. MAPLE programs feature great cross-sector networking and cross-border insights from featured presenters as we celebrate and explore the significant ties that Southern California and Canada share together.
Our featured presenters at this event are San Bernardino County of Economic Development and Purolator International.
MAPLE Southern California Hybrid Winter Reception - Dec 7
We look forward to welcoming members, partners and guests for our next Southern California program. Thank you to our friends at intellectual property law firm, Knobbe Martens, for hosting us at their conference center. Our featured presentations will be from QA Consultants and Challenger Motor Freight.
MAPLE New York Fall Reception - November 9
We look forward to welcoming members, partners and guests to our MAPLE New York Fall Reception on November 9th.
Our program, “Exporting to Canada” will be focused on New York State’s trade with Canada. We are honoured to be partnering with our friends at the Long Island Association (LIA) with whom we will be co-hosting this program in collaboration with LIA’s Manufacturing Committee.
MAPLE British Columbia Hybrid Fall Reception - October 27
We look forward to welcoming members, partners and guests to our British Columbia Fall Reception for great cross-sector executive networking and insights from our featured speakers.
Our thanks to the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) for hosting our program at their new office in Vancouver! After an update on MAPLE Business Council by MAPLE BC Executive Director Jason Tse, we will be welcoming new organization member, Vancouver and Calgary-based tax specialists, Andersen Canada, to the podium as well as BDC.
MAPLE Ontario Hybrid Fall Reception - October 3
We look forward to welcoming members, partners and guests to our Ontario Chapter Fall Reception at Fasken Law for great cross-sector executive networking and insights from our featured speakers which include presentations on Canadian employment law by Fasken partner, Ian Campbell, and a market overview by Roland DGA Canadian National Sales Director, Don Ross.
This will be a hybrid program offering online table-to-table networking and real-time access to our presentations.
MAPLE Colorado Hybrid Fall Reception - September 26
We look forward to welcoming members, partners and guests to our Colorado Fall Reception for great cross-sector executive networking and insights from our featured speakers at the Denver headquarters of leading Canadian construction firm, PCL.
We are pleased to announce that TMX Group, owners of the Toronto Stock Exchange and the TSX Venture Exchange will be a featured presenter to discuss the opportunities for raising public venture capital through Toronto’s unique two-tier exchange structure. We are also delighted to welcome leading Canadian law firm, Cassels, to the MAPLE podium. Toronto-based partners Jay King and Sean Maniaci will discuss how U.S. based companies can access the Canadian capital markets and go public and list securities for trading in Canada.
This will be a hybrid program offering online table-to-table networking and real-time access to our presentations for our remote guests. We look forward to welcoming you.
MAPLE Southern California Hybrid Fall Reception - September 12
We look forward to welcoming members, partners and guests to our Fall Reception for great cross-sector executive networking and insights from our featured speakers at the downtown Los Angeles office of Crowell & Moring LLP.
We are honoured to welcome Marisa Goepel of Ontario Trade & Investment’s office in San Francisco for an overview of Canada’s largest provincial economy and the latest news and trends in Ontario.
We are also excited to welcome Howard Greenberg and Naumaan Hameed, co-founders of Toronto-based immigration law firm, Greenberg Hameed PC, for a discussion on intelligent immigration design and the opportunities for American businesses to nearshore talent in Canada.
We look forward to welcoming you to this hybrid program offering in-person and online networking.
San Bernardino County - MAPLE Business Council Roundtable - August 18
As Canada is historically a top-three export and foreign direct investment partner for San Bernardino County, this event will provide the opportunity to engage with Canadian business partners and foster bilateral relationships.
This event will bring together leaders from San Bernardino County, leaders from MAPLE® Business Council - Southern California Chapter, and Canadian business leaders in order to highlight the business advantages of the County, learning about local Canadian initiatives and companies, and discuss ways to encourage both trade and investment opportunities.
MAPLE Orange County Spring Reception - May 9
We are looking forward to welcoming members, partners and guests to an afternoon reception at the Irvine offices of audit, tax and consulting firm, RSM for an update on the Canadian market from visiting partners from RSM’s Calgary, Alberta office.
MAPLE Southern California Chapter Spring Reception: Los Angeles - April 26
We are looking forward to welcoming members, partners and guests to a very special Southern California Spring Reception. Our focus at this program will be on the significant economic ties between Southern California and Québec spanning trade, investment and innovation collaborations.
MAPLE New York Special Event - AERTC &. Brookhaven National Laboratory Host MAPLE Business Council - April 26
We are pleased to share that we have a special event for MAPLE New York Chapter members, partners and guests. We are honored that our friends at the Advanced Energy Research & Technology Center (AERTC) at Stony Brook University and Brookhaven National Laboratory will be hosting MAPLE New York for tours of their world-class research facilities and special presentations.
MAPLE British Columbia SelectUSA Reception: Vancouver - March 28
We are excited to partner once more with our friends at the U.S. Commercial Service in Canada to co-host a special SelectUSA program for Vancouver and Lower Mainland businesses across sectors planning their future growth in the U.S. market.
MAPLE Ontario Winter Reception: Waterloo Region - February 16
We are excited to host back-to-back events in Toronto and Waterloo Region as we bring together subject matter experts to discuss “Scaling Your Business to the U.S.” from the perspectives of intellectual property, talent and cross-border tax.
MAPLE Ontario Winter Reception: Toronto - February 15
We are excited to host back-to-back events in Toronto and Waterloo Region as we bring together subject matter experts to discuss “Scaling Your Business to the U.S.” from the perspectives of intellectual property, talent and cross-border tax.
MAPLE British Columbia New Year Member Mixer - January 26
We look forward to welcoming you to our first event of 2023 when our British Columbia Chapter welcomes members and partners to enjoy a special program hosted by Marko Dekovic, Executive Member of our B.C. Chapter and Vice President Public Affairs at GCT Global Container Terminals.
MAPLE® Business Council Southern California Hybrid Winter Reception - December 13
We look forward to welcoming members, partners and guests to our Southern California Winter Reception. This will be a hybrid program enabling online networking and access to our presentations. We are excited to feature Invest Alberta and the Toronto Stock Exchange as our speakers.
MAPLE® Business Council New York Hybrid Fall Reception - December 1
We look forward to welcoming members, partners and guests to our New York Chapter Hybrid Fall Reception. We have a very special venue to welcome you. The Quebec Government Office in New York will be hosting us at their midtown Manhattan office located near Rockefeller Center.