Invest Alberta Corporation Joins MAPLE Business Council as a Senior Member Organization

Together with MAPLE New York Executive Director, John Costanzo, we are delighted to announce that Invest Alberta Corporation is our newest organization member.

Invest Alberta Corporation (IAC) launched in 2019 to promote Alberta as an investment destination of choice to international investors and attract high-value, high-impact investments to Alberta, Canada.

IAC works directly with investors globally to start up or scale up in Alberta. With offices in Calgary, Edmonton, and 11 international offices in key markets around the world, IAC connects industry, government partners, and economic development organizations and offers seamless services that make it easy for investment to flow into the province. 

With a strong entrepreneurial culture, Invest Alberta is taking new and innovative approaches to expedite the process of doing new business in Alberta.

"Invest Alberta is thrilled to be joining the MAPLE Business Council—an organization committed to strengthening investment, trade, and entrepreneurship by growing Canada-US ties. 

 Alberta’s economy is diversifying. A leader in energy, clean tech and agriculture, the province is also capitalizing on growth in technology and innovation, financial services, logistics, and tourism. Investment promotion in the US is a big part of that vision.

 With a strong entrepreneurial culture, we are taking new and innovative approaches to expedite the process of doing new business in Alberta. Joining the MAPLE Business Council is one way to accomplish this, allowing Invest Alberta to build partnerships and broaden our networks as we continue to bring high-value, high-impact investment to Alberta." 

-Rick Christiaanse, CEO, Invest Alberta

Rick Christiaanse, CEO, Invest Alberta Corporation

Our initial contact at Invest Alberta is Jordan Speakman, Director, Business Development - United States. Jordan can be reached at  Additional member contacts will be shared in the coming weeks. Please join us in welcoming Jordan and the Invest Alberta team to our community. 

And, as always, thank you for your participation and support.