Canada is the Fourth Largest Source of FDI in the State of California

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Last week World Trade Center LA released their annual FDI Research. This 5th edition includes data for the entire state for the first time. Overall the strength of Canada's investment in not just Southern California but across the entire state underlines the importance of our focus on recognizing and growing our economic ties together especially as we note that California is the 5th largest economy in the world.

 On a state-wide basis, Canada ranks as the 4th highest investing nation in California.

  • Top 5: Japan, UK, France, Canada, Germany

  • Canadian FDI accounts for 61,841 jobs which is 8.5% of all FOE jobs in California 

  • Over 1500 Canadian establishments identified

  • Jobs employed by Canadian establishments have an annual payroll of nearly $6 billion ($5,932)

  • Key sectors include manufacturing, professional/business services, financial activities, wholesale and retail trade

In the 10-county Southern California region, Canada continues to rank as the 4th highest investing nation. 

  • Top 5: Japan, UK, France, Canada, Germany

  • Canadian FDI accounts for 45,142 jobs which is 9.8% of all FOE jobs in SoCal

  • Over 1000 Canadian FOE establishments identified (note that 67% of Canadian establishments in California are in SoCal)

  • 73% of all Canadian FOE jobs in California are in SoCal.

  • Jobs employed by Canadian establishments have an annual payroll of nearly $4.5 billion ($4466)

In LA County:

  • Canada ranks 4th after Japan, UK, and France and ahead of Switzerland.

  • Canadian FOE account for over 20k jobs and a $1.9B payroll

In Greater California (defined in this report as the 23 counties that are outside of the Bay Area and SoCal):

  • Canada ranks 2nd as a FDI source after the UK and ahead of France, Japan and Germany

  • Canadian FOE account for over 5k jobs and a $425m payroll

In the 15 county Bay Area:

  • Canada ranks 6th as a FDI source after Japan, UK, Switzerland, Germany and France.

  • Canadian FOE account for over 11k jobs, $1B payroll