MAPLE Advisory Board Appointments

In support of our continued growth as the Canadian-U.S. Business Council of Southern California, we are pleased to announce the formation of the MAPLE Advisory Board.

The Advisory Board will serve as an advisory resource to the Officers who are actively managing the organization with the support of the Board of Directors. We look forward to their counsel on opportunities for MAPLE specific to their industry focus/expertise and their help in growing the organization through relationship-building and value-added connections.

We are very pleased to announce our first two Advisory Board appointments: Ms. Anna Innis, National Manager, Passenger Sales, USA for Air Canada, and Mr. Michael Speer, Senior Vice President, Brookfield Property Group.

Ms. Anna Innis - Air Canada

Anna hails from Muskegon, Michigan, to Greek Immigrant parents. She left home at age 16 to live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as an exchange student and is now fluent in Portuguese.
She received her B.A. from Indiana University in 1992 and began her professional career with General Motors, where she worked in Public Affairs.
She joined Air Canada in 1995 at the US Call Centre in Tampa, Florida. In her 23 years with the company, she has held positions in Tampa, Miami, Montreal, San Francisco and Los Angeles, where she now resides. She is now responsible for a national team overseeing the Travel Management Retail & Specialty Community with the recent addition of Asia Specialty Sales Development. 
Anna is on the Board of Directors of CAST LA, Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Human Trafficking. In her spare time, she is in a race with herself to finish her first book.

Mr. Michael Speer - Brookfield Property

Michael is a Senior Vice President of the Brookfield Property Group. Since joining Brookfield in 2002, Michael has held a number of real estate investment positions and currently leads Brookfield Property Group’s U.S. office investment activities. He has been involved with the Brookfield Real Estate Opportunity Group's activities since 2004, where he has been responsible for the valuation and execution of many real estate investments, including identifying acquisition opportunities, development and execution of asset management strategies, and negotiation with leading real estate companies.

Michael earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from Bishop's University, is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), and has more than 20 years of experience in the commercial real estate industry.

We are honoured to have the participation of Anna and Michael as our first Advisory Board members.

Stephen Armstrong and Robert Kelle - Co-Founders


MAPLE Vancouver - Fall Networking Reception


Happy Canada Day and Independence Day