Happy Canada Day and Independence Day

As another indicator of how close we are as nations, friends, and allies, in Canada and the United States we celebrate our birthdays within 72 hours of each other. Now more than ever, the depth and breadth of our bonds which cross the world's longest undefended border through family, economic, sports, security, and cultural ties, need to be treasured, nurtured and celebrated.

Our MAPLE community has entered its fourth year as Canada celebrates its 151st and the U.S. its 242nd. None of these dates are marquee anniversaries by the magnitude of the numbers, but perhaps we have not had a more important year to reflect on the historical importance and future relevance of our relationship.

Every week, we have the privilege at MAPLE of having a small window on trade and investment that is happening between companies, supply chain partners, cities, states and provinces through our members, partners, and followers. We don't just trade together, we make things together. We are mutually invested in each other's success. We enjoy doing business together.

It is the collective work of each business, importer/exporter, investor, entrepreneur, economic development organization, higher education institute, and government office that has created and sustained the most significant trading relationship in the world. Thank you for your contributions to a strong cross-border relationship and investing time and support in our MAPLE community connecting Southern California and Canada.

We want to wish everyone a very happy Canada Day and Fourth of July.

Stephen Armstrong and Robert Kelle - Co-Founders


MAPLE Advisory Board Appointments


ColLAborate Joins MAPLE Business Council