MAPLE to Host Cross-Border Reception in Vancouver B.C.
As a follow-up to our successful Southern California business delegation to Vancouver in 2017, MAPLE Business Council is returning to Vancouver to reconnect with this dynamic market and key trading partner with Southern California. On Monday, April 16th, MAPLE will be hosting a cross-border evening networking reception to share our mission, provide an update on the Southern California market with the help of a special guest speaker from the region, and take the pulse of what is happening in Greater Vancouver and British Columbia.
As West Coast neighbors, gateways to the Pacific Rim for our nations, active trading partners, and centers of innovation and "what's next", there is much to celebrate and build upon between our regions. Did you know....
- Merchandise trade between B.C. and California in 2015 was $4.4B (USD)
- In 2015, B.C. exported $2.6B (CAD) to California - 2nd highest among all provinces
- Top exports to California include electrical energy, fresh fish, particle board, lumber
- Top imports from California include berries, grape wines, petroleum, nuts, lettuce
- California is B.C.'s second largest trading partner in the U.S. after Washington
- California is B.C.'s largest overnight visitor source from the U.S
- Southern California is the largest air travel market between Vancouver and the U.S.
- Leading film production and post-production centers operate in Los Angeles and Vancouver
- Canada is the third largest source of foreign direct investment in Southern California
We wish to thank PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP for hosting our special Southern California - B.C. reception at their conference center in their downtown Vancouver offices. We also wish to thank Air Canada for being our air travel partner and Snell & Wilmer, LLP and the Vancouver Hotel Destination Association as our hospitality sponsors. We will be sharing more information on this special cross-border event in the coming weeks.