A Cross-Border Community Fortified by Insight

Debra 01.00_00_13_08.Still001.jpg

Image from past MAPLE Conversations episode with Debra Lewis-Mahon, Managing Director of Vancouver-based Westmark Tax in Orange County, California.

One of the founding tenets of MAPLE Business Council® is that our members’ and partners’ experience and expertise represent tremendous opportunities for our members to share and learn from one another in service of their strategic planning and business growth. There is strength in community and opportunity in connecting across sectors.  

At our in-person and online events we set the table for meaningful networking conversations to occur. And our events, together with our digital content platforms, represent opportunities for knowledge-sharing through presentations, articles and video conversations. 

A growing library of expert content

Now as we begin our sixth year, we continue to curate a wonderful breadth of insights to share in our content libraries. We maintain access to the most current 30 articles from our monthly MOMENTUM e-newsletter on our website. Recent articles have addressed northbound private M&A deal considerations, the Southern California innovation ecosystem, the Canadian federal budget, resilient leadership in uncertain times, controlling the speed of patent examination, breaking down the world of SPACs and the internet of medical things. 

 In addition, we interview our partners. Recent interviews include Khawar Nasim, Acting Consul General of Canada in New York and Nigel Neale, Senior Trade Commissioner at the Consulate General of Canada in New York, U.S. Consul General in Vancouver Ambassador Brent Hardt and John Keisler, Economic Development Director at the City of Long Beach. 

 We are also grateful for the many members and partners who contributed to our special June issue on Diversity, Equity and inclusion which we published last month. Because of the amount of content we received and our single-minded focus on DEI, we’ve archived these articles on a dedicated DEI Insights page of our website for ongoing reference.

 Just push ‘play’…

 It’s perhaps even easier to access the content collected in our library of past MAPLE Conversations videoswhich now contains more than 40 episodes of perspectives on an equally broad set of topics with more to be released this summer. With a  click,  watch targeted 2-minute videos introducing you to a topic and an expert.

 And as we all temporarily pivoted away from in-person events because of the pandemic, our webinars have not only connected members and guests from all across Canada and the U.S., something that is simply not possible with an in-person program, but these events have become our latest on-demand content on a wide-range of topics based on webinars we have hosted in Southern California, British Columbia and New York. You can access event recordings on the MAPLE website. 

 We’re social

 While a shared interest in Canada-U.S. economic ties, be it focused on trade, investment or innovation, connects us to one another, our social media channels provide daily updates to inform our work. 

 We share market and industry news daily on our Twitter channels (@maplesocal and @mapleNewYork) as well as on our Facebook site. Be sure to follow MAPLE on LinkedIn on our Corporate and Group pages for the latest membership and event news. 

 Subscribing to our Vimeo and YouTube channels ensures you won’t miss any of our Conversations episodes and our on-demand videos of our events. 

 And earlier this year, we launched a new MAPLE member community channel on Mighty Networks which is a dedicated channel/forum for our members to connect with one another working like our own LinkedIn community channel.

Market resources

 You might not be aware of the resources on Canadian markets that are accessible directly from our website. On our Canadian Markets page, you can link to dedicated content on every province and territory in Canada as well as 20 metro markets. Similarly, we have links to major economic development agencies in Southern California

 Together all these platforms keep us connected between our events adding value through information and insight and providing our members with a growing and targeted executive audience to share their work and their perspectives. 

 So, while your summer reading list may already be filled with the latest thrillers and biographies, I encourage you to tap into the many content channels listed below that are an important dimension of the MAPLE Business Council community and network.







 On Demand Events


 Daily Cross-Border News

Twitter SoCal: https://twitter.com/MapleSoCal

 Twitter New York: https://twitter.com/MAPLENewYork

 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maplesocal

 MAPLE News 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maplesocal/

 Linkedin Company: https://www.linkedin.com/company/3574334/admin/

 LinkedIn Group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/6965520/


Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/maplesocal

 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgDinVFuD_Jfhqndg-BV4-Q


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