Studio One Eleven in Long Beach, California
Connecting Our Community
Each quarter we host a reception to welcome members, partners and guests across sectors to connect around cross-border and regional interests in trade, investment and entrepreneurship. These receptions are a quarterly touchpoint for our community to share insights, learn from one another and to make valuable new connections.
Our Presenters
At our Winter Reception Series, we are delighted to welcome two of our corporate members to the podium to share insights on their business sectors. Joining us will be The Business Strategies Group of Southern California, an Axa Advisors affiliate, and Chrilleks Productions, a content marketing agency doing business in Canada and the U.S.
The Business Strategies Group of Southern California
Small business owners have many responsibilities including generating revenue, managing expenses and optimizing profits. Often issues like employee benefits, company retirement plans, executive compensation & benefits, and business insurance do not make the top 10 list in terms of interest, expertise or desired time commitment. Yet these issues are very important to the success of any business. Coordinated, comprehensive, holistic planning services for businesses with a focus on suitability, pricing and tax advantage can be a game-changer for small business entities. Jamie Smith, JD and Mark Rooney CLU, ChFC, CFP, managing partners at The Business Strategies Group of Southern California, will be discussing the opportunity for small business owners to address these critical business needs.
Chrilleks Productions
Get social with media. Why content is taking over and how can you stick out?
Aleksandra Lason, COO of Chrilleks will speak about the importance of selling your product or service through creative content and tips and tricks you can apply to grow your social media engagement faster and organically. Chrilleks, a Canadian born digital creative agency specializes in branded content has been working within Canada and the United States with some of the largest brands such as Canadian Tire, CAA, Gymshark, Under Armour and Hippeas.