David Manning of the Brookhaven National Laboratory Joins MAPLE Business Council
Together with John Costanzo, Executive Director of MAPLE New York, it is with great pleasure that we announce that David Manning, Director of the Stakeholders and Community Relations Office at Upton New York-based Brookhaven National Laboratory, is our newest Executive Member.
Brookhaven National Laboratory advances fundamental research in nuclear and particle physics to gain a deeper understanding of matter, energy, space, and time. Their scientific teams apply photon sciences and nanomaterials research to energy challenges of critical importance to the nation; and perform cross-disciplinary research on computation, sustainable energy, national security, and Earth's ecosystems.
David is responsible for developing, implementing, and assessing strategic internal and external communications plans and programs to advance the scientific mission and priority programs and initiatives of the Lab. He and his team develop and implement government and stakeholder relations programs to help increase support for the Lab's programs and priority projects. David also oversees science education and workforce development programs to fulfill the Lab's and the Department of Energy's education and diversity goals.
David has worked in both government and the private sector including serving as the Deputy Minister of Energy for Alberta, Canada, and head of public affairs for Keyspan/National Grid. Most recently, he served as the U.S. representative for the Premier of Alberta, deeply involved in energy issues. David is an alumnus of the University of Alberta earning a B.A. and a L.L.B. in law and did post-graduate work in international law at the Australian National University.
David can be reached at dmanning@bnl.gov. His primary MAPLE chapter affiliation is New York.
And for those who are not familiar with the tremendous scientific work conducted at the Brookhaven National Lab, we highly encourage you to watch this 5-minute video which captures some of the breadth of their scientific exploration. https://www.bnl.gov/about/
Please join us in welcoming David Manning to our cross-border community.