A Message from the Consul General of Canada in Los Angeles - CG Zaib Shaikh

I hope this message finds you and your families in good health and safety -- and continuing to abide by public health directives wherever you happen to be.
Here at the Consulate General of Canada in Los Angeles, our immediate priority has been protecting the health and well being of our team members so they can continue to do their great work to assist Canadians in our region who may be in distress, primarily those returning home.
We are also scanning the horizon in order to be prepared for any new challenges to the safety of Canadians in our region. I'd like to take this moment to acknowledge our Consulate team, who have stepped up in various important ways during these very challenging and unprecedented times to provide impeccable and valuable service to  Canadians in distress and to our clients, businesses and communities. 
COVID-19 has put, and will continue to put, enormous pressure on so many: doctors, nurses and front-line healthcare providers; grocery store clerks, truck drivers, aircraft crews and the other unsung workers still carrying out essential services; and all those coordinating the local, national and international response to the crisis. We're grateful and fortunate to benefit from their unflagging sense of duty, selflessness and professionalism.
Right now, it is crucial that we follow our State and local government directives and keep up the discipline of physical distancing for the good of ourselves, our families, our friends and our neighbours of all ages. We can meet this challenge together, and we will. And when we emerge on the other side of all this, I know you will continue to look for ways to do what you can for your neighbors, your community and your country.
Please know we'd like you to stay connected with us on Twitter and Facebook for timely information and please consider enrolling in Registration of Canadians Abroad (ROCA), the free service that allows the Government of Canada to notify you in case of an emergency. And let us know if and how we can assist you and we will do our best for sure. 
We are all in this together! 
Stay well,
