Cynthia Coulter Rejoins MAPLE Business Council

Cynthia Coulter in discussion with MAPLE for an episode of MAPLE Conversations

We are pleased to welcome Cynthia Coulter back to MAPLE Business Council as an executive member. 

Based in Los Angeles, Cynthia is the Managing Principal of Aleksandra Corporation, a global business development company that works with organizations from around the world to enter the California market. Current clients are from Canada, China, Poland, Argentina, Korea, France and the UK.

Aleksandra Corporation provides business development support to organizations for planning, marketing, operations strategies, scaling to larger enterprises, internal governance, and government relations. The company has a reputation for successfully aiding businesses to enter and expand in the California market.

The company is also supporting the growth of a cannabis company in northern California that is licensed to deliver throughout the San Francisco Bay area and to establish a retail store in Pacifica, California.

Aleksandra Corporation represents organizations that include energy/clean tech, food and beverage, telecommunications, and healthcare.

Cynthia can be reached at