We are very pleased to welcome the Vancouver Hotel Destination Association (VHDA) as our newest corporate member.
The VHDA is made up of a group of 37 downtown Vancouver hotels who contribute toward the Vancouver Destination Marketing Fund (DMF). It is the objective of the VHDA that these marketing funds are used to directly enhance Vancouver's destination awareness and increase overnight hotel stays for all VHDA member hotels. The VHDA achieves this objective by working with partner organizations to add incremental programs (like StayVancouverHotels.com) and augment existing marketing initiatives aimed at ensuring the continued long-term growth and prosperity of Vancouver, creating value for all partners in the tourism sector.
Representing VHDA as our MAPLE Business Council contacts are Mr. Russ Cowan, Executive Director and Ms. Kristine Sigurdson, Director of Marketing.
Please join us in welcoming Russ and Kristine to our cross-border community. We also wish to thank VHDA for their sponsorship of our upcoming Vancouver reception on October 17th.