MAPLE Turns Three - Voices of Our Cross-Border Community

It’s Our 3rd Anniversary!

It is hard to believe that three years have past since we issued our first press release announcing the founding of a cross-border non-profit organization dedicated to promoting bilateral, trade, investment, and entrepreneurship between Southern California and Canada. Shortly thereafter we held our first event in Irvine at the offices of Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear, LLP. After that inaugural meeting, we soon committed to hosting events in San Diego, Orange County and Los Angeles every quarter. And here we are in 2018, 36 months and over 40 networking events later, looking at a growing and vibrant network of members, partners, followers and friends. Thank you to all who have shared their expertise, insights, passion, heritage, financial commitment, and time to help us grow our cross-border footprint. We are so appreciative of your support in these and in many more ways that together have enabled MAPLE to become a respected business voice and a recognized community in both Canada and Southern California.

So how best do we mark this moment?

Now that our MAPLE tree is a healthy ‘sapling’ that is taking root with many new leaves and buds appearing each quarter, we could think of no better way to recognize our third anniversary than by sharing examples of how businesses have benefited from our community. In viticulture, winemakers talk of the “third leaf”, or the first growing season when vines bear fruit ready for winemaking. Truly the fruit of our labor in setting a purposeful table for meaningful conversations and connections is how our community is generating positive outcomes and results for their businesses.

In recognition of our milestone, we have compiled some examples, testimonials, and case studies to share with you. We hope that to these you can also add some of your own.

To you and your positive outcomes, we raise a maple leaf cookie and say “thank you”. We are excited to be starting our 4th year together with substantial momentum. In just the past quarter alone, we have welcomed Canada Post, TMX Group (Toronto Stock Exchange, TSX Venture Exchange), and Avison Young as corporate members. We’ve returned to Vancouver to showcase LA County with Stephen Cheung, president of World Trade Center Los Angeles, talked NAFTA, hosted Ottawa-based cybersecurity firm, xahive, inc., Homeland Security Investigations, Opportunities NB (New Brunswick) and D'Alessio Law Group for informative briefings, and shared cross-border news and OP-ED commentary across six newsletters.

Here’s to sharing our next three years together and with many more new members.

Robert Kelle and Stephen Armstrong - Co-Founders


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