Canada is the Third Highest Investing Nation in Southern California
At the recent Select LA Investment Summit, World Trade Center Los Angeles released important new research on Foreign Direct Investment in Southern California. You can download the report here:
The data on Canada's investment in Southern California is noteworthy. Canada's rank rose two places from last year's report and was the #3 highest investing nation in Southern California in 2016.
We've highlighted some of the key statistics from the research for you below.
Canada ranks as the 3rd highest investing nation in Southern California after Japan and the United Kingdom.
Canada was the fastest growing investing nation in Southern California over the past year as measured by growth in jobs (+13,568) and by growth in firms (+115).
There are 858 Canadian foreign-owned enterprises (FOEs) in SoCal accounting for 39,798 direct FOE jobs and over $2.6 billion in annual wages.
The largest sectors of Canadian FOE jobs are 1) manufacturing; 2) financial activities; 3) professional/business services; 4) wholesale trade and 5) information.
Canada's commitment to Southern California is strong across the 6 county region with the following FDI nation rankings:
Southern California: #3
LA County: #4
Orange County: #3
San Diego County: #4
San Bernardino County: #2
Riverside County: #5
With the research, World Trade Center debuted a new interactive map to locate businesses by country of ownership. Canadian enterprises are included.
As the Canadian-Southern California business bridge, the opportunity for our MAPLE community to support Canada's growing presence in Southern California has never been stronger. We wish to thank World Trade Center Los Angeles for fielding this excellent research and sharing their research tools.