48 Hours in Vancouver for MAPLE Delegation

The MAPLE delegation to Vancouver on March 16-17 will provide delegates with a 360 degree view of the trends and strengths of one of North America's most dynamic regions. An important trading partner with California, British Columbia exported more than $2.6 billion to California in 2015 - more than any other province in Canada except Ontario. California ranks second as a destination for BC exports and third for Canadian exports. And a source of imports to Canada, California ranks 6th among all states.

Our delegation will meet with leading organizations representing Vancouver's leading sectors. These include:

In addition, MAPLE will be hosting a cross-border networking reception on the evening of March 16th at the Profile Coworking Club in Gastown. The event has been heavily subscribed and offers an opportunity to connect with executives, entrepreneurs, investors and educators from across Vancouver. MAPLE will be sharing our cross-border mission. We wish to thank Air Canada and Snell & Wilmer LLP for their generous support of our reception.

Delegates also have the opportunity to attend the BCTech Summit, the Province's largest tech conference celebrating the breadth of innovation that is happening in the region. The Summit is held on March 14-15 and is an optional program.

For more information on joining our delegation, please contact Robert Kelle (rob@maplesocal.com) or Stephen Armstrong (stephen@maplesocal.com). Or drop us a note below.





MAPLE & U.S. Commercial Service Co-Host Event on How to Sell to the Government of Canada


MAPLE Launches MOMENTUM - Profiles of MAPLE Member Organizations