MAPLE Joins Global LAVA Panel Discussion on Canada

We are excited to join a panel discussion on the opportunities for trade and investment with Canada at the Los Angeles Venture Association on October 8th. This meeting will focus on Canada as part of the Global LAVA series. Key questions that will be discussed include:

- Why Canada is the world's leading innovation hub and business center

- How to start a business in Canada if you are an established business in the United States

- What types of private financing or government assistance programs may be available for your business

-What are the advantages of investing in Canada and where to look for investment opportunities

-Entrepreneurial hubs in Canada and how to look for potential partner

The panel discussion will be lead by Consul and Senior Trade Commissioner for Canada, Ms. Patricia Elliott. For more information on this event and to register, please visit


MAPLE Joins West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce


MAPLE Sponsors West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce Meeting - Consul General James Villeneuve Speaker