Promoting Enhanced Equity, Diversity and Inclusion - InterVISTAS Consulting Inc.
InterVISTAS Consulting Inc.
Vancouver, British Columbia
The intelligence, innovation, and passion of our colleagues, acting within an inclusive and diverse global organization, is at the heart of our success at InterVISTAS Consulting Inc. As a company within the RoyalHaskoningDHV group, we have taken stock of our corporate pledge of Enhancing Society Together to ensure we are striving for continuous improvement as an equitable, diverse and inclusive organization and community partner.
Our approach has been to have a lens for diversity in recruitment, hiring, training and procurement policies. We have processes in place to ensure that race, gender, colour, ethnicity, national origin, beliefs, or sexual orientation are not barriers for mobility, leadership, and career opportunities. Specifically, racial and gender equity in positions of leadership are areas of strength within InterVISTAS, as well as our ongoing commitment externally to achieving contractual relationships with Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, Minority-owned Business Enterprises and Woman-owned Business Enterprises.
As with all our business operations, we have a focus on continuous improvement, including the formation of an autonomous, non-hierarchical and volunteer-led Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee in early 2020. The Committee was tasked with ensuring that issues of racial equity and the range of EDI considerations are planned for, tracked, and progressed. The Committee’s focus in the next year seeks to develop insights to run a neutral and inclusive communications and work-flow process internally; conduct unconscious bias training; make topics related to EDI more open to discussion; and take special care to enable more participation on these topics by everyone.
We know that a company culture fostering and continuously working to improve upon the inclusion of all employees and clients is fundamentally the right thing to do. In addition, we are experiencing an increased health and vitality of our company, and the attraction and retention of a diverse and talented staff. Having a breadth and diversity of viewpoints, experiences, expertise, and ways of thinking, are all essential elements for keeping pace with innovation and change, and for working with integrity. We are committed to equal opportunities and are proud of our increasingly diverse workforce, which offers both economic and social added value for our business, and ensures our organization remains vibrant and relevant today and for the future.